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Cholera Outbreak in Haiti - October 2010

Since the beginning of the emergency PAHO/WHO mobilized experts in the LSS/SUMA system that have collaborate with PROMESS to manage and account the humanitarian aid arrived and distributed in Haiti.

LSS/SUMA Data Area


Entry by Date / Donations / PROMESS MSPP -OPS-OMS

Donation / Distributions Chart

About LSS/SUMA Software

LSS/SUMA is software that increases transparency in managing humanitarian supplies. Implementing the SUMA system in an emergency facilitates the preparation of reports that can then be shared with donors, authorities in the affected country, humanitarian agencies, the media, and others.

The LSS/SUMA system is designed to manage humanitarian assistance and has all the stock management functions. Thanks to this system, one can rapidly find out how many units of a particular item are in stock or obtain information about the inventory in general, how much there is, how much has been received, and the distribution, either overall or broken down by beneficiary or department.

LSS/SUMA Sample Operation - Reception - Consolidated Information of key items - Reports

PROMESS: Programme de Médicaments Essentiels

PROMESS est la principale agence d’approvisionnement ement des pharmacies communautaires (AGAPCO).

PROMESS a été fondé grâce aux contributions financières de la Banque Mondiale, de Coopérations bilatérales (France, Suisse, Hollande, USAID, Canada) et multilatérales (UNICEF, UNFPA, Commission Européenne), autant de partenaires qui se regroupèrent au sein du Conseil de Gestion présidé par le Ministre de la Santé Publique.

Depuis 1992, PROMESS est géré comme un projet de l’OPS/OMS en Haïti. Sa mission a été d’assurer la disponibilité d’un choix sélectif de médicaments et consommables de qualité pour les institutions médicales publiques et privées à but non lucratif en Haïti.

For more Information on PROMESS click here.

Support warehouses in Dominican Republic

Wednesday, 1 December 2010.

In Dominic Republic, 8 warehouses have been open to help in the storage of items that will help the Hispaniola Island in the present emergency. Additionally PAHO will open a warehouse in Santo Domingo. All the warehouses are using the LSS/SUMA system to manage the inventory of the supplies and LSS/SUMA personnel mobilized by PAHO are helping and supporting the operation of the system in each warehouse. 

Presentation of the LSS/SUMA system to the WASH Cluster in Haiti

Wednesday, 1 December 2010.

The LSS/SUMA system can help in the implementation of a central hub to consolidate the information of key items during an emergency. This specific feature has been successfully used in Pakistan, Kenya and Somalia and helped managers and members of a cluster to easily consolidated and disseminate information of the key items between the members of the cluster and other humanitarian actors. The DINEPA and others member of the WASH Cluster of Haiti attended a presentation of this feature of the LSS/SUMA system during the meeting of the cluster in PoP and agreed to consolidate information of stock position and pipeline of some key item in a central that should operate at DINEPA. LSS/SUMA personnel mobilized by PAHO will support and collaborate in this initiative. 

Links - Haiti - January 2010

Implementing LSS in NGOs in Haiti

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